Offset Field Properties

Offset fields are used to map fields whose location changes based on the amount and location of other data within the input file.
This dialog box is used to create an offset field by entering a text string to search for and to map data values associated with (and offset from) the text string.
Once the data is mapped you have several options described below for processing the data that was mapped.


Offset field properties dialog. General is selected from the tree on the left. On the right, you can enter the name of the field, select the field data type from the drop down, and enter a description for the field.

This is the name that has been assigned to this offset field. The name must follow the variables naming convention.
Note: If you rename this variable and it is referenced in other components of your template (MapForm, FormStamp, FormDirector), you must manually change references to the new name in the other components of the template.

Field Type
This is the type of variable format this field should expect to hold. The default type is 'String' since all offset fields are created by mapping text from the input file. You are free to change this value to other field types in which case the server will convert the field before the variable is populated.

This value is provided for use by the designer to indicate any additional information about this field. This value is not used by FormFusion.


Offset field properties dialog. Search is selected from the tree on the left. On the right, set the text to search for, check the box to trim before compare, set the search to be between specific columns and rows.

This area defines properties about the text that will be searched for.

Text to search for
This is the text to search for. The comparison is not case sensitive.

Trim before compare
Check this box if leading and following spaces are to be removed before comparing.


Offset field properties dialog. Mapping is selected from the tree on the left. On the right, set the row and column offsets, the row height, and the column width.

This area defines the field's mapping value. This is similar to the properties for defining a floating field.

Additional Actions

Offset field properties dialog box. Additional actions is selected from the tree on the left. On the right, you can choose to do nothing, remove the selected text from the report, remove the entire line from the report, or replace the selected text with the following text. The last option gives you the option to enter a text string.

These options control the way the offset field will treat the text of the input file once the mapping is complete. Choose from the following options: